Workshops, Conversations and Consulting at the intersection of culture, identity, equity and art.
Cultivating Equity: Interrupting Bias and Oppression
How do social position, bias and systemic oppression (e.g. racism, classism, adultism, sexism, etc.) play out in our institutions? What levers do each of us have to create equitable and inclusive environments for all? Using foundational concepts of social identity and oppression, participants will self-reflect and unpack challenging dynamics using simple theatre activities and develop a deeper understanding of their power to build equity. HeArtWork will share our framework for analyzing oppressive dynamics and attendees will practice naming and framing real life situations. Take away best practices and tools that are rooted in social justice pedagogy. (can be modified to be a 90min, 2 or 3hr session)
Exploring Culture and Identity
How have you shared your culture today? Let’s grapple experientially with what culture means and how it overlaps our social identities (gender, race, ethnicity etc.) Participants begin to understand the culture we carry with us consciously and unconsciously and how that can positively and negatively affect our interactions at home and our work relationships. We consider culturally relevant teaching and learning strategies and tools to get be more intentional about how we show up in life, and how to authentically engage in community. (can be 2hrs or merged with Cultivating Equity workshop)
Powerful Learning Through the Arts – Teaching Creative Habits
What do students learn through the arts? Let’s unpack the 4 “C’s” (Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication) and 21st Century Skills. We’ll explore the practice of creative habits of mind, and address the intrinsic benefits of arts education. We will engage in dialogue and exercises with an aim toward utilizing a common lens and language for arts learning that highlights transferrable skills, creativity and leadership…then we’ll take it one step farther by exploring how ensuring all youth (especially those in underserved communities) have access to this kind of learning can bring about revolutionary social change. (1 to 2 hrs)
Patterns of Racial Inequity in Arts Education
Young people of color have dramatically reduced access to arts education relative to their white peers, a stark reality underscored by the 2011 NEA report of findings from the Survey of Public Participation in the Arts. The Guild for Community Arts Education’s 2011 Benchmark Survey Report shows that Guild members are addressing this opportunity gap by working predominantly with youth of color. Yet this report also shows that the staff, faculty and leadership of the majority of our organizations are mostly white. In this session, we will engage in a reflective dialogue on the implications of this dichotomy on our ability to achieve equity and racial justice goals. We will review contemporary statistics and literature, the limitations of current arts education models, and transformative opportunities to engage in arts education as racial justice. (90 min to 2 hours)
Cultivating Growth Mindset
What needs to be in place for students or coworkers to participate and thrive? This workshop focuses on understanding Fixed vs. Growth Mindsets. HeARTWork will share current data and research on the topic. Participants will challenge ourselves with arts activities that help us explore our personal narratives about what we feel capable of. Next we'll analyze the oppressive messages we receive, internalize, and can inadvertently pass on (with regard to race and gender etc.) and wrap up with effective strategies and tools for adults and young people. (90 min)
Modeling Creativity
How do we stay creative and model creativity? This workshop explores the artistic process and reconnects us with the artist habits. We’ll practice reflection, imagination, critical thinking and risk-taking along the way and reaffirm our creative stamina to be our best selves and do our most effective work. (90 min to 3 hrs)
Making Learning Visible - Learner-based Assessment
It’s important to give ourselves and folks we collaborate with time to reflect. This workshop focuses on ways to mirror back growth and change in skills, behaviors and attitudes toward learning. Utilizing simple tools and strategies for speedy and effective individual and group assessment. We’ll highlight creative methods for documentation and community sharing too! 1 to 2 hrs)
Organization-Building for Racial Justice
Sharing lessons learned from organizational journeys to transform the internal culture and organizational practices of predominantly white-led organizations working to authentically move toward racial justice. In this workshop, participants will deepen their understanding of institutional oppression and its manifestations in community arts education; assess their own organizational practices and their implications for racial justice; and gain new tools and resources for the journey along with a new local and national peer group to provide ongoing support and accountability for this critical and courageous work. (90min to 2 hours)
Courageous Conversations
We are committed to honest dialogue. We model ways to cultivate and create safe space for critical conversation. Learn how to explore group expectations, generate shared agreements, as well as simple and effective tools to share and receive feedback or opinions.
Note: These can focus on issues particular to a school, institution or community or be connected to pre-assigned shared readings or be paired with facilitated screenings of some of our favorite educational films. Great for Parent Teacher Associations, Boards, Administrative / Staff meetings and retreats.
Arts and Social Justice Institute
Our 2-day Institute is the full-meal deal. We pack in history, personal exploration and handy tools to up your game. This is intentional creative engagement in courageous conversation and reflection about our practice. The overall goals are - A shared understanding and language around inequity, the arts and social justice. To practice using tools for building anti-oppressive and socially just foundations for classrooms, institutions and communities. To look at social justice ideas and liberation strategies through a creative lens.
Individual and Organizational Consultation
Personalized strategizing for individuals or organizations struggling with challenging situations. Reflecting and problem solving with objective supporters is always helpful. Whether you’re a teacher, staffer or community member seeking a sounding board for goal setting or an organization seeking tools to begin or jumpstart culture shift and positive change.